

Sylvain Sagot

Docteur / Enseignant-Chercheur CDI, Enseignant-chercheur en informatique

ESTA, École Supérieure des Technologies et des Affaires
ESTA Belfort
3 rue du docteur Frery, 90000, Belfort

Orcid :


Cnu section : 27°

Primary pole : Egonomics and design of systems

Secondary pole : Design, Creation, Mediations

Search fields

Search Engine Optimization (Search Engine Optimization, SEO, SEO process)

Culturalization (Culturalization, Culturalization process)

Decision support system (Decision support system, DSS, Decision making)

Sustainable web design (Sustainable web design)


NameDatesELLIADD members
SEO-ELP (Search Engine Optimization - E-learning Platform) 2019-2024 Jean-Claude Domenget, Sylvain Sagot
IVES (Interfaces de mobilité pour un cyclisme électrique attractif, efficace et sûr) 2019-2023 Thilo Von Pape, Florence Bazzaro, Nicolas Bert, Marjorie Charrier, Jean-Claude Domenget, Séverine Equoy Hutin, Isabelle Huré, Sophie Mariani-Rousset, Egon Ostrosi, Sylvain Sagot, Federico Tajariol, Mohsen Zare


Directeur de la recherche de l'ESTA (01/01/2022-...)

Membre du CODIR du pôle ERCOS (15/09/2023-...)


The professionalization of SEO through the prism of learning tools

University : UFC

Defense date : 23/01/2023

Thesis directors

Jean-Claude Domenget (Professeur, Directeur adjoint d'ELLIADD)

Specialty : Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, Informatique, Sciences de l'Éducation

Keywords : Search engine optimization, professional practices, e-learning


Web referencing is caracterized by a complex process requiring the use of decision support tools and methods helping professionnals to adapt to permanent changes. In this context, the adaptation of specialists to technical developments reinforces the need for professionalization of SEOs. Between information and communication sciences, computer science and education sciences our research work will aim to study this professionalization through the prism of learning tools


Région UBFC (105 000 euros sur 3 ans)

École doctorale : LECLA (ED 592)

Direction thèse :

Jean-Claude Domenget (50%) - pôle CCM
Sylvain Sagot (50%) - pôle ERCOS


Sustainable business model for digital twins

University : École Supérieure des Technologies et des Affaires - ESTA Belfort

Thesis directors

Egon Ostrosi (Professeur, Directeur adjoint ELLIADD - Responsable ERCOS)

Specialty : Sciences pour l'Ingénieur

Keywords : Digital twin, Business Model, Sustainable Business Model


The rise of the industry of the future (known as 4.0) has led industrial companies wishing to optimize the efficiency of their decision-making and operations to turn more towards innovative and digital solutions. One of the significant challenges today for a company to remain competitive and in line with the demands of the environment is the development of sustainable business models that require a combination of environmental, economic, and social results. Digital twins enable the digital replication of a physical object, process, or system and allow for unprecedented levels of simulation. Digital twins thus offer a viable avenue for developing sustainable business models as they allow data to be collected from the physical enterprise and transmitted in real-time in virtual representations for analysis and optimization by different engineering departments. As the use of digital twins has few limits, either in terms of use cases or the variety of audiences involved, this requires a comprehensive and harmonized understanding of the concept of a sustainable business model in digital twins. This research work, at the frontier between engineering and management sciences, will define a generic approach for the development of a sustainable business model using digital twins adapted to industrial companies. This work will also describe the impact of data quality on digital twins and on sustainable business model changes and measure the dynamics of the sustainable business model in digital twins.



École doctorale : SPIM (ED 37)

Direction thèse :

Egon Ostrosi (40%) - pôle ERCOS
Sylvain Sagot (60%) - pôle ERCOS


Contribution to an inclusive multimodal user interface design applied to a conversational mobile service in Sub-Saharan Africa

University : Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM)

Thesis directors

Egon Ostrosi (Professeur, Directeur adjoint ELLIADD - Responsable ERCOS)

Specialty : Sciences pour l'Ingénieur (génie informatique)

Keywords : User interface Design, Inclusive design, Culturalization, Conversationnal Multimodal


Africa is a continent still very much affected by inequalities, and the sub-Saharan region is no exception. While the literacy rate reached 65% in 2019, and the majority of languages spoken on the continent (estimated at more than 2000) are of oral tradition, information and communication technologies (ICTs), many of which use the written medium and are too often not translated into African languages, see a much more limited adoption than on other continents. Thus, these inequalities lead to a real digital divide that makes it very difficult for less literate and less digitalized populations to access ICTs, due to the complexity of use and usability of new digital products and their interfaces by people who are new to the subject. In particular, in Africa, smartphones have experienced a very high rate of adoption over the last four years. However, if part of the ergonomic tools that compose the user interfaces of the latter are based on ergonomic criteria, another part of these tools requires prerequisites in the form of metaphors that are used in the computer world. Therefore, these current metaphors make it very difficult for a low-literate person to interact with a smartphone. It would therefore be necessary to propose multimodal user interfaces that could better respond to the needs, expectations and challenges of inclusion in sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, this thesis is based on three research hypotheses. The first hypothesis considers that the specificities of the sub-Saharan region require the development of an inclusive design method for a multimodal user interface, in particular to reach audiences less familiar with digital technology. The second hypothesis considers both the characteristics of a population and the modes of interaction. This hypothesis states that similarities between low-literate populations characterized by a low rate of digital use translate into similarity in user interaction methods. The third hypothesis assumes that multimodality, culturalization of user interfaces, and conversational interfaces can lead to greater inclusion of mobile service users in Sub-Saharan Africa. This transdisciplinary positioning of the thesis implies scientific questions around knowledge about: (i) the human factor in all its dimensions (e.g. culture, education, etc.) and (ii) the design and development of multimodal user interface for a conversational mobile service in Sub-Saharan Africa. Accordingly, the main objectives of the thesis concern, on the one hand, the proposal of an inclusive multimodal user interface design methodology for sub-Saharan Africa taking into account cultural aspects, and on the other hand, the design, evaluation and validation according to the proposed design methodology, of multimodal user interface concepts for a conversational mobile service. The research actions carried out in this project should lead to results in terms of: (i) the modeling of the inclusive design method of multimodal user interface; (ii) the design and modeling of a multimodal user interface; and (iii) real-life user testing of multimodal, "culturalized" and conversational user interfaces with sub-Saharan African populations.



École doctorale : SPIM (ED 37)

Direction thèse :

Egon Ostrosi (50%) - pôle ERCOS
Sylvain Sagot (50%) - pôle ERCOS


Integration of Innovative and Sustainable Product/Service/System Design with Sustainable Financing Models: Interactions and Implications for Global Sustainability

University : UTBM - ESTA - ISG Tunis

Country and University of the cotutelle : ISG Tunis (Tunisie)

Thesis directors

Egon Ostrosi (Professeur, Directeur adjoint ELLIADD - Responsable ERCOS)

Specialty : Sciences pour l'Ingénieur

Keywords : Sustainable product/service, sustainable financing, innovative and sustainable system


Over the past decade, environmental challenges have spurred the transition to a sustainable economy, placing the integration of innovative and sustainable design for products, services, and systems at the core of sustainable financing models. This research explores the interactions between design and sustainable financing, emphasizing the significance of green bonds in this context. Green bonds, renowned for supporting environmentally friendly projects, attract investors mindful of social and environmental impact. This thesis aims to comprehend the implications of integrating sustainable design into these models, assessing overall sustainability. Objectives include the development of integrated models, the analysis of sustainable financing models, and the evaluation of environmental and social impacts. The proposed methodology combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, examining ESG ratings, greenwashing risks, and green bond yields. Case studies illustrate the effectiveness of this integration while highlighting challenges and opportunities for financial market participants. In summary, this research provides an in-depth understanding of the interaction between sustainable design and sustainable financing, paving the way for more informed investment decisions in a greener economy.


Cotutelle ISG Tunis (Tunisie)

École doctorale : SPIM (ED 37)

Direction thèse :

Egon Ostrosi (50%) - pôle ERCOS
Sylvain Sagot (50%) - pôle ERCOS


  • 2022
    • Book sections
      • Jean-Claude Domenget, Clémentine Fruchard-Muller, Sylvain Sagot. L’hybridation d’une formation en lien avec l’hybridité d’un métier : un enjeu de professionnalité pour les référenceurs web ?. University Panteion. Hybridation des formations : de la continuité à l’innovation pédagogique ?, , pp.345-360, 2022. ⟨hal-04048001⟩ - Bibtex

  • 2020
    • Conference papers
      • Jean-Claude Domenget, Sylvain Sagot, Iana Atanassova. Concevoir un dispositif innovant pour professionaliser la formation au référencement web: le projet SEO-ELP. ACFAS, 2020, Sherbrooke, Canada. ⟨hal-03506079⟩ - Bibtex