

Frédéric Moulene

Frédéric Moulene

Cnu section : 19°

Disciplinary department : Sociologie

Primary pole : Speech, Text, Public Space, Society

Search fields

Sociologie - Sociologie du langage - Sociologie urbaine - Sociologie économique (Langage - Discours - Performativité - Management - Néolibéralisme - Espaces urbains - Circulation des productions culturelles)


Responsable de la 2ème année de la Licence SSS - Université de Reims (01/09/2022-...)

Participation à la commission de recrutement des postes de MAST. (01/06/2022-...)

Participation à la sélection des étudiants du Master IDS. (01/06/2022-...)

Participation à la commission de recrutement des ATER (01/06/2021-...)

Membre des Jurys de la Licence SSS, du DU MIAS, de la Licence Professionnelle LP-IS et du Master IDS. (01/09/2019-...)


- Numéro Varia, International Sociological Association ISA - Revue Language, Discourse & Society, vol. 7, n°1, 2019 (numéro varia), International (01/01/2019-31/12/2019)

Rapporteur extérieur pour un article soumis à une revue à comité de lecture.

“Language, Identity, and Imagined Communities”,, International Sociological Association (ISA) - Revue Language, Discourse & Society, vol. 5, n°1, 2017, International (01/01/2017-31/12/2017)

Rapporteur extérieur pour un article soumis à une revue à comité de lecture.

« Quelles demandes pour quelles sociologies au XXIème siècle ? », Revue "Sociologies pratiques" n°36, 2017, France (01/01/2017-31/12/2017)

Rapporteur extérieur pour un article soumis à une revue à comité de lecture.

« L’actualité de l’extrême droite », Revue "¿ Interrogations ?° n° 21, 2015., France (01/01/2015-31/12/2015)

Rapporteur extérieur pour un article soumis à une revue à comité de lecture


French voters faced with the theme of « Rupture » during the 2007 presidential elections: loyalty or resistance? A sociological contribution to the study of political-speech performances.

University : University of Strasbourg (France)

Country and University of the cotutelle : France

Defense date : 02/12/2011

Thesis directors

Professor Roland Pfefferkorn, Emeritus, University of Strasbourg, France.

Jury : Jury : Alain Bihr (Professeur émérite de sociologie, Université de Franche-Comté), Patrick Charaudeau (Professeur émérite de sciences du langage, Université de Paris 13 - CNRS), Patrick Watier (Professeur de sociologie, Université de Strasbourg - Rapporte

Specialty : Sociology

Keywords : Keywords: Language – Sociolinguistics – Political Discourse – Discourse Analysis - Perform utterances – Philosophy of Language – Social Representation – Communication – Influence – Neoliberalism



The main issue of this study is to explore how the adults citizen understood the theme of “rupture”
(“Breakdown”) that marked the French Presidential Campaign. 33 people have been interviewed
and over 229 political speeches analysed in order to confront the leaders and the volunteers‟
speeches. Based on a multidisciplinary model taking its concepts from V. Klemperer
(permeation), G. Orwell (Newspeak), H. Marcuse (closing), but also A. Hischmann
(exit/voice/loyalty), this study aims at trying to enlighten the typology of speeches. The models of
cultural capital (P. Bourdieu) and hidden census (D. Gaxie) are useful to analyse our data, but
they cannot be considered sufficient to explain all of them, even more so when we consider that
political speeches have a selective influence upon people‟s thoughts and behaviour. Many of the
interviews carried out may show that the permeation effects sometimes have a stronger impact on
the upper classes and educated people (W. Labov, N. Chomsky). Moreover, most of the
individuals who have accepted the discourse about “rupture” seem to be more swayed by the
vocabulary and argumentative structures linked to the theme, even though it generally does not
seem easy at all to manage to spread the most technical words