OCCE2024: Open Conference on Computers in Education
The OCCE international conference aims to explore the impact of technology across a range of user experiences including those of students, staff and management.
This year's focus is “Digitally Transformed Education: Are We There Yet?”. The conference focuses on the contribution and potential of digitalisation and digital transformation in school, vocational, professional and higher education or lifelong learning. Several key questions are:
Are we there yet?
Has digital transformation been realised in education?
If not, what are we missing? If yes, what are the best practices, success stories and lessons generated from the experience?

Organised under the aegis of the Technical Committee #3 of IFIP (International Foundation of Information Processing),
The OCCE 2024 provides a forum for new research results, practical experiences, developments, ideas, and national perspectives, related to the conference focus and themes for all levels of education (preschool, primary, secondary, higher, vocational, and lifelong learning), including the professional development of educators (teachers, trainers and academic and support staff at other educational institutions) and related questions on educational management.
- 72 submissions coming from: United Kingdom (25), Germany (10) Japan (8), Australia, India (4), Austria, Kenya, Latvia, Norway, Tanzania (2), Bulgaria, Denmark,France, Ireland, Nigeria, Panama, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, USA (1)
- 51 full/short papers accepted for presentation, 17 posters
From the 51 papers presented, a second round of reviews will decide (after the conference) on their publication for the post conference book.
Christophe Reffay
IPC chair of the fourth Open Conference on Computers in Education in Bournemouth : OCCE'2024
Researcher in Computer Science at the ELLIADD laboratory, University of Franche-Comté
Teacher at INSPÉ (Teaching and Education School), University of Franche-Comté, BESANCON, France.